Disallowed interstitial implementations
App load or exit
Do not place interstitial ads on app load and when exiting apps as interstitials should only be placed in between pages of app content. Ads should not be placed in applications that are running in the background of the device or outside the app environment. It should be clear to the user which application the ad is associated with or implemented on.
Repeated or recurring interstitials
Don't overwhelm users with interstitial ads. Repeated interstitial ads often lead to poor user experiences and accidental clicks.
Examples of non-compliant implementations include but are not limited to:
- Placing an interstitial ad after every user action, including but not limited to clicks, swipes, etc. You should place no more than one interstitial ad after every two user actions within your app. Please note that this requirement also applies when a user clicks on the Back button within the app.
- Placing an interstitial ad immediately after another interstitial ad was shown to and closed by the user.
Interstitials that launch unexpectedly
Don't surprise users with interstitial ads. Placing interstitial ads so that they suddenly appear when a user is focused on the task in hand (e.g. playing a game, filling in a form, reading content) may lead to accidental clicks and often creates a frustrating user experience. For this reason, interstitial ads should only be implemented at logical breaks in between your app's content (e.g. pages, stages or levels) to ensure that the user is prepared to engage with the ad.
A common issue is that even though you may intend for the ad to load in between page content, the ad itself appears shortly after a new page of content has loaded due to carrier latency. To prevent this from happening, we recommend that you pre-load the interstitial in advance. To find out more about how to pre-load your interstitial ad, please follow the AdMob Interstitial Ad developer guidelines for apps developed for Androidand iOS.
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