Disable AdSense reporting to an Analytics view - shahzade baujiti


Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Disable AdSense reporting to an Analytics view

Disable AdSense reporting to an Analytics view

The AdSense data that is linked to your Analytics view is visible to anyone with access to those views in your Analytics account. If you're concerned about users on your Analytics account having access to your AdSense data, you can disable AdSense data for individual views.
To disable AdSense reporting to a view:
  1. Sign in to the Analytics account you've linked to AdSense.
  2. Click the Admin tab.
  3. In the "Account" column, select your AdSense account.
  4. Click AdSense linking.
  5. In the “Analytics property” section for the view that you want to disable reporting to, under “Usage in Analytics,” clear the checkbox next to the view’s name.
  6. Click Save changes.
After you’ve disabled AdSense reporting to a view, the message “This report requires AdSense to be enabled for this view” is displayed on the Standard Reporting tab in Analytics when you try to run an AdSense report for that view.

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